Be Safe This Summer

For many families in Virginia, summer is a great time to relax by the pool and take care of needed home improvements. While the warmer months are a great time for fun, Parade offers tips for a safer summer while at home.


Summer weather is a great time to catch up on primping the lawn, but before starting the lawnmower, homeowners should make sure they are protected. To ensure safety, the source suggests using ear plugs to protect hearing while eye protection can keep debris from damaging sight.


The more people who are home, the bigger the mess can be, but homeowners should be careful when cleaning with chemicals, especially if children and pets are present. Pesticides, cleaning solutions and pool cleaners should be kept locked away and inaccessible to kids and animals.


Homeowners with pools should also be cautious throughout the summer. Installing a fence with a self-latching gate can help ensure kids are away from the water when adults aren't there to supervise.


When grilling outside, homeowners are advised to keep their grills away from the house and railings to avoid potential fire hazards. Children and pets should also be kept away from the grill area.

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