Gender Impacts Car Insurance Rates

Auto insurance companies have long been known for using statistical data to determine how much more or less a certain gender or age group will pay for insurance. For instance, men grouped in the 20-30 age bracket will generally fork over more money on their premiums than their female counterparts, according to

The European Union recently implemented a decree that would prohibit auto insurance companies from using gender to determine insurance rates. While EU rulings may not have jurisdiction over drivers in the United States, it may only be a matter of time until the trend against gender discrimination reaches across the Atlantic.

If a similar ruling is mandated in the U.S., men in the 20-30 age group may see a 10 percent decrease, with other age groups realizing a 6 percent decrease. Women, on the other hand, should expect a 15 to 25 percent increase depending on their age.

Before similar legislation takes hold in the U.S., Insure4USA suggests that women take precautions now to avoid increased costs later. Adhering to scheduled car check ups, filing away receipts, maintaining proper oil and water levels, carefully reviewing coverage in order to eliminate unnecessary costs and simply asking for discounts where they may apply are all steps women drivers can take to lower their insurance co

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