News & Features

Virginia Farm Bureau News & Features is your place for news and information from around Virginia. From gardening tips and recipes to politics and events, stay up to date with what matters to Virginians.

Farm Bureau’s Lady Leader displays passion for ag education at State Fair

Virginia Agriculture in the Classroom Teacher of the Year Donna Musick of Washington County brought her love of teaching to the State Fair of Virginia.

Registration open for ‘Virginia’s largest outdoor classroom’

The State Fair of Virginia will bring Virginia’s Standards of Learning to life during its annual Educational Exposition, and field trip registration is open for preschool through high school.

Mini-grants help county Farm Bureaus promote agriculture

Carroll County and Smyth County Farm Bureaus are pursuing projects that will teach children about agriculture this year—with support from the 2016 White-Reinhardt Fund for Education mini-grant program.

Teaching tomorrow’s decision makers about agriculture

As a Farm Bureau member, you play a role in ensuring that rising generations of decision makers understand the value of agriculture in their communities.

Agriculture Literacy Project activities reached 35,000 students

As many as 35,000 elementary school students learned how their favorite breakfast foods arrive on their plates during a two-week celebration of agriculture.

County Farm Bureau using mini-grant to promote agriculture

Greensville County Farm Bureau educated children about agriculture this year with the help of a mini-grant from the White-Reinhardt Fund for Education.

Virginia’s, nation’s largest industry to be celebrated March 14-20

Agriculture, America’s and Virginia’s largest industry, will be celebrated March 14-20, National Ag Week. March 15 has been designated National Ag Day.

Washington County educator named Virginia AITC Teacher of the Year

Donna Musick of Washington County has been named Virginia’s Agriculture in the Classroom Teacher of the Year. The award recognizes efforts by a teacher to incorporate agriculture into his or her core curriculum.

Foundation’s Book of the Year features gardens at Monticello

The American Farm Bureau Foundation for Agriculture presented its ninth annual Book of the Year award on Jan. 10 to children’s author Susan Grigsby for First Peas to the Table. The book features a group of children learning about gardens and peas and about Thomas Jefferson’s gardens at Monticello.

The Cow in Patrick O’Shanahan’s Kitchen named 2016 Virginia AITC book of the year

Virginia’s Agriculture in the Classroom program has named The Cow in Patrick O’Shanahan’s Kitchen, a children’s book written by Diana Prichard, its 2016 Book of the Year.

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