Weather patterns affecting Virginia crops

So far, 2012 has brought unexpected weather conditions across the United States. From warm weather on the East Coast to the beginning of an early tornado season in the midwest, farmers nationwide are attempting to plan their planting schedules around the ever-changing cycle of Mother Earth. In Virginia, crop insurance could be influenced by the early arrival of some spring crops.


The Associated Press reported that farmers are enjoying an early arrival of strawberries, which should be ripe just after Easter, though they are usually not ready until Mother's Day. The early debut of the berries is due to the unseasonably warm weather seen in the late winter and early spring.


However, should the winds change and a cold front blow through the state, farmers could stand to lose a sizable amount of their harvest. The Associated Press explained that in 2007, many crops that ripened early were destroyed by an Easter freeze. said that could occur again this year, and that strawberries, apples, peaches and winter wheat could all be ruined.


Crop insurance could greatly benefit farmers if a spring freeze occurs. described the benefits of farm insurance, noting an Indiana farmer's plight during a wet season. Insurance covered his yield losses caused by a wet season, and he was able to plant again and recover his revenue.

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