Bullying Comes in Many Forms

It’s estimated 1 in 6 kids today is bullied—many several times a month. And 2 in 5 kids say they’ve been bullied for a year or longer. With the rise of social networking, bullying now goes way beyond the schoolyard. Part of the solution is recognizing the types of bullying, so they can be addressed.

Verbal harassment is the most common form, which accounts for about 20 percent of all bullying. This type of bullying can be spoken or written—which means it can happen through the computer or text message as well. It includes teasing, name-calling, taunting, making threats, or inappropriate sexual comments.

Physical bullying is what most people think of when it comes to bullying, and it can be the most dangerous. It includes hitting, kicking, pinching, biting, tripping, and pushing. Other types of physical bullying are often tougher to identify, and include spitting, making inappropriate gestures, and taking someone’s belongings—which, many times, are at first chalked up to simply being lost.

Social bullying means spreading rumors or damaging someone’s reputation, intentionally excluding someone, or intentionally embarrassing someone. This type of bullying can lead to feelings of isolation and cause emotional trauma. It also can be difficult to identify, because there’s a difference between kids choosing to be friends—or not be friends—with another child, and maliciously excluding them.

Cyber bullying is the new kid on the block, and uncharted territory for many parents who didn’t have such technology as children themselves. Bullying that takes place via social media, email, and texting, and can be public or via private messages.

Learn to recognize the different types of bullying so you can be a more informed part of the solution.

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