Bike Helmets For Kids: They Work

Adults may joke about the fact they rode bikes without protective gear and survived their childhoods, but new tests further reinforce the importance of children’s bike helmets in protecting against traumatic brain injury during an accident.


The study revealed helmets can reduce the acceleration of the skull during impact by up to 87 percent, and help the skull resist forces up to 470 pounds in a crush accident.


National estimates put the number of children ages 5 to 14 who ride bikes around 70 percent, but the number of those who use bike helmets at less than 25 percent. Unfortunately, head injury is the most common cause of death and serious disability from bicycle crashes—injuries that could be prevented by simply putting on a helmet.


Encourage your children to wear a bike helmet EVERY time they get on their bikes.

Make sure it fits properly, and is worn level and covering the forehead, not tipped back. Finally, tell your children the straps should always be fastened snugly and securely, otherwise the helmet may come off when they need it most.

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