Be Safe During July 4th Celebrations

While many Americans celebrate the Fourth of July with fireworks, they can be a major source of fire hazards. The National Council on Fireworks Safety provides a list of safety tips for consumers using fireworks to help eliminate injuries and other incidents.


Young children shouldn't be allowed to use or handle fireworks, and teenagers should be supervised if lighting them, the council warns. Before purchasing fireworks, consumers are advised to research the local laws regarding their use and always read caution labels before buying.


The council reminds consumers that fireworks should only be used outdoors, while having water handy can help eliminate the risk of fires or other hazards. If a firework appears to be a dud, consumers are advised to not attempt to relight it, but rather wait 20 minutes and submerge it in water.


While many consumers may opt to use sparklers over fireworks, they can also be dangerous if not used correctly. According to the source, children should never be held while using sparklers, and no more than one should be held by a single person. Since the wires can be hot even after burning out, the council suggests tossing them in a bucket of water afterwards.


For more tips, see our video here.

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