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Insurance claims can be filed with ease

Insurance claims can be filed with ease

Whether you’ve sustained damage to your vehicle or your home, it is important to know what information you need to expedite a claim.

Auto claims

Always exchange insurance information with any other drivers involved. Once you’ve done that, touch base with your insurance company to get the claims process started.

Report your claim as soon as possible

Report your claim as soon as possible. Detailed and complete information will expedite the process. Virginia Farm Bureau insurance customers can start this process on the company’s website, on a desktop computer or mobile phone.

When reporting a claim, you’ll need:

  • your policy number and car information; 

  • your own contact information and best times to call; 

  • insurance information of other parties involved, plus contact info for witnesses; 

  • a full description of the accident; 

  • the name and badge ID of the investigating police officer; and 

  • photos, if possible—not just close-ups of the damage, but perspective shots that show the accident in context.

What happens after filing an auto claim?

A Farm Bureau claims representative will contact you—most of the time it will be the same day the claim is reported; otherwise, the next business day. They will walk you through the next steps, and set up an appraisal to assess the damage as soon as possible.

If liability is in question, a field claims representative will be in touch. They’ll handle the liability investigation and any injury claims, talk to any other insurance companies—or attorneys—involved, and handle damage payments. As the insured, you’re under no obligation to describe a collision to anyone except police and your own insurance company.

Your car will be appraised for damage, usually within a week of filing your claim, if convenient with your schedule. Farm Bureau offers various avenues to have damage assessed. After this estimate is prepared, you can take your car to your preferred shop. If you’re covered for a rental car, Farm Bureau will help you with that process.

Repairs are authorized and completed. All you must pay is your deductible, directly to the body shop when your car is ready, and return the rental.

Home claims

Filing a home claim is similar to an auto claim, but all home claims should be reported to your local Farm Bureau office. It’s important to have all pertinent information on hand.

You’ll need:

  • your policy number

  • your contact information and best times to call

  • a full description of the damage

  • photos, if possible, and not just close-ups of the damage, but also far-away shots showing perspective.

It’s important to identify whether you can safely stay in your home,
and not to alter the condition of the damage until the home can be inspected.

What happens after filing a home claim?

Much like an auto claim, a Farm Bureau claims representative will contact you quickly and will walk you through the next steps and set up an appraisal to assess the damage.

If someone was injured or someone else’s property was damaged, a field claims representative will be in touch. They’ll handle the liability investigation and any injury claims.

Your home will be appraised for damage, usually within a week of filing your claim. If you cannot live in your home due to the damage, the claims representative will make arrangements for temporary living accommodations.

Repairs are authorized and completed. Typically you can use your own contractor, and Farm Bureau will pay the amount of the agreed repair costs to you and your contractor so your home can be fixed quickly.

Other items to keep in mind:

  • Protect your property to prevent further damage, and retain receipts of expenses you incur to protect the property.

  • If someone is injured or damaged by something or someone on your property, do not admit fault. Photograph the area or condition where the injury or damage occurred.

  • Consider what contractor you would use to repair the damage, but do not authorize repairs until the insurance company can inspect or approve the repairs. 

Keep this information handy!

Important claims contact information:    

To start a claim with Farm Bureau, call 800-452-7714, available 24/7.

Have a claims question or aren’t sure whether you should file? Call 800-447-8323 or email

All claims information is available at

