Real Virginia TV
Our weekly TV program, Real Virginia, airs nationwide


Spicy Chipotle Brownies Recipes

Spicy Chipotle Brownies

This recipe was prepared by Chef Tammy Brawley on Real Virginia, Virginia Farm Bureau’s weekly television program.

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Pumpkin Pudding

Pumpkin Pudding

This recipe was prepared by Chef John Maxwell on Real Virginia, Virginia Farm Bureau’s weekly television program.
Pumpkin Cheesecake

Pumpkin Cheesecake

This recipe was prepared by Chef John Maxwell on Real Virginia, Virginia Farm Bureau’s weekly television program. Maxwell, a certified executive chef, culinary educator and member of the American Academy of Chefs, shares delicious seasonal recipes in a Real Virginia segment sponsored...
Spicy Pumpkin Soup with Crabmeat

Spicy Pumpkin Soup with Crabmeat

If you use pumpkin pie filling for this soup then there’s no need to add extra spices, said Chef John Maxwell. However, if you use fresh cooking pumpkin or canned pumpkin puree, you can add fresh basil or oregano as well as the seasonings listed in the recipe.

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