VFBF Young Farmers Expo to be held in Nelson County
The 2024 Virginia Farm Bureau Federation Young Farmers Summer Expo will take place July 26-28 in Nelson County. VFBF Young Farmers is a leadership development and networking program for farmers and agriculture industry professionals ages 18-35. Almost 200 young farmers and others with an interest in agriculture are expected to gather at the expo to network, learn about key agricultural issues and explore agriculture in the area.
The event is open to all who have an interest in agriculture. Programming will include a six-hour workshop on how to start a farm business; an all-terrain vehicle safety workshop led by Virginia Tech’s Farm & Agricultural Safety Training Program; and legislator engagement activities—all to be held at Nelson County High School. Area farm tours will be offered on Friday and Saturday, with locations to be announced.
Finalists for three Young Farmers awards will give presentations before judging panels, and recipients of the Outstanding Young Agriculturalist recognition, Achievement Award and Excellence in Agriculture Award will be announced Saturday evening during a dinner at Wood Ridge Farm Brewery. Finalists for the Young Farmers Discussion Meet also will be announced, and they will compete in early December at the VFBF Annual Convention. The Discussion Meet is designed to simulate a committee meeting in which discussion and active participation are expected from each contestant. Relevant topics are presented to competitors, who are judged on their discussion skills, understanding of important agricultural issues and ability to build consensus.
Visit vafb.swoogo.com/yf2024summerexpo for additional information and to register. Registration is free and includes meals, programs, workshops, tours, expo T-shirts and networking opportunities. Full registration and one-day registration are available.
Virginia Farm Bureau Young Farmers comprise a wide range of individuals ages 18 to 35 who are interested in agriculture and want to support the state’s largest industry. The Young Farmers Program offers networking, leadership and professional development opportunities.
Contact Kelly Roberts, VFBF special programs director, at 804-837-6194.