Earn some extra dough by leasing land to Vogue Towers
Virginia Farm Bureau members can now get paid for leasing land to
Vogue Towers to install a wireless communication tower.
Vogue Towers has built more than 5,000 wireless towers across the U.S. since 1996. Cell towers boost connectivity by improving cell reception in their respective communities.
Interested VFB members must
register their information with Vogue Towers through vafb.com. Interested VFB members must log in to access the opt-in form to register their information.
Registration is not a commitment to lease your property but an expression of interest. Vogue Towers will contact you when they are seeking land in your area.
If a tower is built on your property, you will be paid a one-time option fee and receive a monthly rent with annual escalation. The initial lease is for a five-year term with seven five-year renewals.
The leased area will be 55’ x 55’ up to 75’ x 75’ and the height will be determined by the phone carrier. All towers will have a secure fenced compound. Vogue maintains insurance on the tower and takes care of all ground maintenance.
For more information, read through this quick
Q+A sheet.