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Chilled Strawberry Soup

Chilled Strawberry Soup

This recipe was prepared by Chef John Maxwell on Real Virginia, Virginia Farm Bureau’s weekly television program.

Maxwell, a certified executive chef, culinary educator and member of the American Academy of Chefs, shares delicious seasonal recipes in a Real Virginia segment sponsored by Virginia Grown, a program of the Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services.

Chilled Strawberry Soup

1½ cups strawberries, sliced
¾ cup sour cream
¾ cup heavy whipping cream
2 tablespoons orange juice
2 tablespoons honey
1½ tablespoons chopped fresh mint
1 cup strawberries for garnish

In a food processor or blender, blend the strawberries, sour cream, heavy cream, orange juice and honey until smooth. 

Stir in the mint. Taste for sweetness, adding more honey if needed. Refrigerate. Chill well, and serve in cold soup bowls. 

Top with strawberry slices and additional chopped mint.

