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Augusta County cattleman wins Young Farmers Discussion Meet

Augusta County cattleman wins Young Farmers Discussion Meet

Marshall Slaven took top honors Dec. 3 in the Virginia Farm Bureau Federation Young Farmers Discussion Meet at the 2024 VFBF Annual Convention in Hot Springs.

The Discussion Meet is designed to simulate a county Farm Bureau meeting in which members discuss problems and develop possible solutions. Relevant topics are presented to a panel of four competitors who are judged on their discussion skills, understanding of important agricultural issues and ability to build consensus.

This year’s final-round question was “How can Farm Bureau continue to provide value and opportunity to welcome members from across the broad diversity of modern agriculture and American farmers and ranchers?”

Competitors explored various options to recruit new Farm Bureau members and to connect with more experienced farmers who can offer insight to beginning agriculturalists.

Slaven said Virginia Farm Bureau already partners with 4-H and FFA but should consider strengthening that relationship through on-farm training of young people interested in agriculture.

“Maybe we need to get out here and educate people who’ve moved in (to rural areas) from out of state and really show them the benefits of production agriculture,” he said.

Slaven and his wife, Joy, raise 1,200 head of beef cattle. He also provides custom hay baling and wrapping services to other farmers, and transports manure on contract. In a separate business, he brokers straw to several large dairies and other cattle operations. He also assists his father with the family fencing business and raising 500 brood cows. The Slavens have three young daughters and are expecting a son.

First runner-up was Ashley Kuhler of Shenandoah County. Kuhler is a first-generation farmer producing pasture-raised poultry and other local products. She is the principal host of the Virginia Young Farmers Podcast. Other finalists were Adam Davis of Halifax County and Thomas French of Shenandoah County.

Slaven will receive a travel package to the 2025 American Farm Bureau Federation Annual Convention in San Antonio, Texas, where he will compete for national honors.

With more than 135,000 members in 88 county Farm Bureaus, VFBF is Virginia’s largest farmers’ advocacy group. Farm Bureau is a non-governmental, nonpartisan, voluntary organization committed to supporting Virginia’s agriculture industry. View more convention news as it becomes available at, and follow us on social media via #VFBF24 #CultivatingConnections.

Contact Pam Wiley, vice president of communications, at 804-291-6315.

