Goochland County farmer re-elected president of Virginia Farm Bureau Federation

Goochland County farmer re-elected president of Virginia Farm Bureau Federation

Goochland County hay and grain producer Wayne F. Pryor of Hadensville was elected Nov. 30 to a ninth two-year term as president of the Virginia Farm Bureau Federation.

Elections of officers and directors were held during the VFBF 2022 Annual Meeting of Voting Delegates.

Pryor served as Farm Bureau’s vice president from December 1998 through November 2006 and has been a member of the organization’s board of directors since 1988.

He currently serves on the board of the American Farm Bureau Federation and as president and chairman of the Southern Farm Bureau Life Insurance Co. board of directors. Pryor has served on the Jackson, Mississippi-based company’s board for 22 years.

He also is a member of the Chicago-based American Agricultural Insurance Co. board and American Farm Bureau Insurance Services Inc. board. In addition, he is president and chairman of the board of directors of Countryway Mutual Insurance Co.

In Virginia, Pryor serves as president, chief executive officer and chairman of the board for the Virginia Farm Bureau Mutual Insurance Co.; the Virginia Farm Bureau Federation AgPAC; and the Virginia Foundation for Agriculture, Innovation and Rural Sustainability. He also is president of the Virginia Foundation for Agriculture in the Classroom board.

He is a member of the Virginia Agribusiness Council and the Virginia Cattlemen’s Association.

Pryor is a recipient of the Honorary American FFA Degree, an award that recognizes personal commitments and contributions to advance agricultural education and FFA.

He attended Richmond Professional Institute, now Virginia Commonwealth University. He is a Mason and past master of Cabell Lodge #328. He also is a board member, elder and lifelong member of Forest Grove Christian Church.

Pryor and his wife, Pattie, have one adult son.

With 133,000 members in 88 county Farm Bureaus, VFBF is Virginia’s largest farmers’ advocacy group. Farm Bureau is a non-governmental, nonpartisan, voluntary organization committed to supporting Virginia’s agriculture industry. View more convention news as it is shared at, and follow us on social media via #VFBFannualmtg22.

Contact Pam Wiley, vice president of communications, at 804-291-6315.



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