Your membership helps farmers better market their local products

Your membership helps farmers better market their local products

Virginia agriculture is almost as diverse as the local, state and national issues that affect it. Our farmers need a voice and a forum for surfacing issues that affect their ability to compete in the fast-changing world of production agriculture.

As a Farm Bureau member, you help support the organization’s commodity advisory committees, which help farmers get the assistance they need to prosper.

Advisory committees serve as the eyes, ears and voice of VFB producer members. They identify specific commodity issues and make recommendations for VFBF staff to follow in addressing those issues.

There are 11 commodity advisory committees, including one focused on specialty crops; its members help farmers provide fresh, seasonal produce for consumers.

“These advisory committees address a wide array of subjects relevant to their specific commodities, including production, marketing and legislative issues that impact their ability to compete,” said Tony Banks, a Farm Bureau commodity marketing specialist. “All committee members are volunteer leaders from around the state who are interested in engaging at the grassroots level.”

In addition, Farm Bureau operates a grain marketing program to help producers manage price risks and provide marketing opportunities.



Recognize Your Favorite

If your community is served by a newspaper or radio or TV station that is turning out balanced, thorough reporting about agriculture on a regular basis, we encourage you to nominate them for the Members’ Choice category of the Journalism Awards program.

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Become a Friend of the Farm™

When you become a member of Virginia Farm Bureau, you support farming, agriculture and the Virginia way of life.

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