Virginia Farm Bureau members receive deep discounts on prescription medications

Virginia Farm Bureau members receive deep discounts on prescription medications

Prescription drug prices have skyrocketed over the last few years, but Farm Bureau members in Virginia are now eligible to receive free generic prescriptions delivered right to their door!

My Free Pharmacy is offering VFB members a special subscription rate for $17.96 a month for individuals or $26.96 monthly for families.

Members then receive free 21-day supplies of 125 generic acute medications at any pharmacy nationwide and 90-day supplies of chronic care generic medications, with free shipping to your door. They also are eligible to purchase over-the-counter medications at a fraction of the price on chronic care generic medications. Access the pharmacy helpline at 800-257-8420.

Westmoreland County Farm Bureau member Summer Downs signed up for the program and said even with the monthly subscription fee, her family will save almost $200 a month. “They have 85% of the medications we need, and the website is easy to use.”

For more information, visit or the Virginia Farm Bureau member benefits page.



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