Roadside assistance available for Farm Bureau members

Roadside assistance available for Farm Bureau members

For Virginia Farm Bureau customers with towing and labor coverage on their current auto insurance policies, help can be on the way!

Policies with towing and labor coverage have roadside assistance included at no additional cost. Towing and labor coverage reimburses expenses incurred for automobile disablements such as towing, tire changes, jump-starts, lockouts, fuel deliveries and extractions.

“In the past, when a disablement occurred, it was up to the customer to secure the appropriate assistance and then send any eligible receipts to Farm Bureau for reimbursement, up to the applicable limit on the vehicle,” said Barry Light, product development manager for Virginia Farm Bureau Mutual Insurance Co. “Now, customers are still covered for all the same disablements; however, with roadside assistance, the customer no longer has to coordinate the help.”

Customers can simply call the Farm Bureau Claims Number on their Auto I.D. Card and select “Roadside Assistance” to be directed to VFBMIC’s roadside partner.

If you don’t have this coverage on your vehicles, contact your Farm Bureau insurance agent.



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