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Save when shopping for storm supplies

Save when shopping for storm supplies

With the 2018 Atlantic hurricane season under way, there’s no time like the present to take steps to protect your family and property against severe weather.

When you’re making a shopping list of emergency supplies, don’t forget your Farm Bureau membership affords you savings from Grainger.

You’ll find special Farm Bureau member prices on selected product categories and supplies from Grainger, plus get free standard ground shipping on all standard Grainger products. You’ll find Farm Bureau’s Grainger account number on your membership cards and can access it by calling your county Farm Bureau office or opening your account at and searching “Member Benefits - Home & Business Advantage.”

What to know:

Hurricanes often generate rainfall that can cause severe flooding over wide areas, as well as spawn deadly tornados. Both flooding and tornados can severally affect areas well inland. Before a storm is imminent, plan a safe evacuation route out of its path. Avoid any undue anxiety by reviewing the plan well in advance with family, friends and co-workers. 

Essential items to have on hand if you must evacuate, or if you are returning to your property after a severe storm, include the following:

  • flashlights and extra batteries
  • portable, battery-operated radio and extra batteries
  • first aid kid
  • emergency food and water
  • non-electric can opener
  • any personal medicines and supplies.
Also consider taking advantage of your Farm Bureau membership discount with Grainger to stock up on duct tape, extra flashlights, batteries, glow-sticks, tarps, cleaning supplies, insulated coolers, a safety gas can, generators, all-purpose extension cords and portable blowers.

Grainger offers the following list of possible hazards to consider when returning to storm-damaged property:

  • Be aware of possible natural gas leaks. If you smell gas or hear a hissing or blowing sound, ventilate the area and leave immediately.
  • Watch for sparks and broken or frayed wires. Be sure you are not wet or standing in water, and that the electrical system is not wet, before you have any contact with it.
  • Ensure that appliances are not wet, and have them checked by a professional before using them again.
  • Check for damaged pipes to ensure that your water and sewage systems’ integrity is still high.
  • Disinfect items that may have been contaminated by raw sewage, bacteria or chemicals.

For more storm preparedness information, visit and Virginia Farm Bureau Mutual Insurance Co.’s Virginia Hurricane Preparedness Central resource.

