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Prioritize road safety during Distracted Driving Awareness Month

Prioritize road safety during Distracted Driving Awareness Month

Whether it’s picking up a cellphone, interacting with passengers or finishing breakfast in the car during your morning commute, distractions are a daily occurrence for most drivers.

As harmless as these actions seem, the smallest distractions can cause dire consequences. Each April, Distracted Driving Awareness Month reminds motorists to avoid dangerous activities that could divert their attention from driving.

According to Virginia Department of Motor Vehicles crash statistics, distracted driving contributed to 23,246 collisions and 120 fatal accidents in 2019. Those figures represent 18.1% of all crashes and 14.5% of all fatalities on Virginia roadways.

Despite the state seeing slight improvements from 2018 totals of 24,350 collisions and 126 fatalities, drivers are being encouraged to continue minimizing distractions behind the wheel.

“When drivers engage in activities that cause them to lose their focus, they’re putting their lives in danger, as well as those of their passengers and fellow motorists,” said David Tenembaum, Virginia Farm Bureau Mutual Insurance Co. actuarial manager and treasurer of Drive Smart Virginia.

“Like any other accident, crashes caused by distracted driving can happen in an instant. It’s important for drivers to pay close attention to the road and their surroundings to avoid these unfortunate accidents.”

Drive Smart Virginia defines distracted driving as any activity that takes a driver’s attention from the road. This includes cellphone use, adjusting audio or climate controls, grooming or operating a navigation system.

Virginia law now prohibits drivers from handling cellphones while driving on the state’s roadways, but studies show using hands-free technology comes with its own dangers.

A study conducted by the University of Utah found that it can take drivers up to 27 seconds to gain full attention after issuing a voice command. Additionally, modern vehicles’ touchscreen displays that serve as a second screen for connected devices can create distractions similar to those caused by hand-held gadgets.

“While we’re grateful Virginia legislators have taken an important step in addressing this epidemic with a ban on hand-held cellphone use, there’s still much work to be done by our state’s drivers,” Tenembaum added. “With technology here to stay, it’s our collective responsibility to cut out dangerous behaviors behind the wheel and focus on making our roads a safer place.”

