Free agricultural education kits available for Virginia classrooms
RICHMOND—Free gifts to educators from Virginia Agriculture in the Classroom are intended to bring joy, engagement and inspiration to schoolchildren year-round.
Virginia teachers can now order a 2025 Creative Agriculture Resources for Educators, or CARE, kit. Each kit includes books, posters and curricula that use Virginia agriculture and natural resources to teach core content.
“We treat the CARE kits like a ‘request your own Christmas present from us’ in December,” said Tammy Maxey, Virginia AITC executive director. “This is our way of saying thanks to teachers across the state.”
This giveaway is open exclusively to Virginia educators. Visit virginia.agclassroom.org and click “Educator Resource Kit” to place an order.
The theme of this year’s CARE kit is “Explore Virginia Agriculture,” said Lynn Black, Virginia AITC education coordinator.
“Boxes will feature our new Virginia Agriculture map poster, our signature curriculum booklet, the book, Right This Very Minute, with an accompanying guide, and more,” she explained.
Over 1,100 CARE kits were distributed to Virginia teachers in 2024.
“And throughout the year, we connected over 700,000 children to agriculture through grants, scholarships and Agriculture Literacy Week,” Black continued. “Ag Literacy Week saw over 3,100 books distributed, reaching over 70,000 students. Additionally, 75 grants were awarded to teachers around the state, enabling experiential learning in classrooms.”
Black encourages educators to take full advantage of everything AITC has to offer.
“In addition to the kits, AITC offers educators professional development opportunities, school grants and online resources,” she said. “You’ll find an extensive lesson plan library, as well as student activities, links to videos, and much more that can be used in the classroom or at various events.”
The free kits can be mailed to an educator’s school or home. Access the registration form here. Allow up to 3 weeks for processing and shipping.
Media: Contact Black at 804-350-3596.