Easy Strawberry Butter
This recipe was prepared by Chef Tammy Brawley on Real Virginia, Virginia Farm Bureau’s weekly television program.
Brawley, who holds a degree in culinary arts and owns The Green Kitchen in Richmond, Va., shares delicious seasonal recipes in a Real Virginia segment sponsored by Virginia Grown, a program of the Virginia Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services.
Easy Strawberry Butter
4 ounces ripe strawberries
½ cup softened butter
pinch of salt
Wash strawberries, and let drain thoroughly on a sheet tray covered in a tea towel.
*It’s important that berries are completely dry before mixing with the butter.
In a medium bowl, mash berries, butter and salt with a fork or potato masher. Place finished butter in a container of choice, and keep refrigerated until use.
*Alternatively, use a food processor to process strawberries, butter and salt. Your texture will be a bit smoother.