Lunenburg County farmer honored with 50-year service award
J.M. “Jerry” Jenkins of Blackstone was honored on Dec. 4 for 50 years of service on the Virginia Farm Bureau Federation board of directors.
VFBF President Wayne F. Pryor presented an award to Jenkins during the 2024 VFBF Annual Convention in Hot Springs.
Jenkins, a grain producer and former tobacco grower, has represented the interests of Farm Bureau producer members in Brunswick, Charlotte, Lunenburg and Mecklenburg counties during his time on the VFBF board.
As the longest-serving board member in the organization’s history, Jenkins often has been regarded as a patriarchal figure whose insights and observations about Farm Bureau business garnered respect and attention. His wealth of knowledge and business acumen have been instrumental in helping shape the company’s vision and supporting its growth. In 2019, he was recognized for his lifelong commitment to the organization with the Distinguished Service to Farm Bureau Award.
“When discussing an issue, Jerry listens carefully to everyone’s perspective and will offer his historical insight and common-sense opinion—often bringing the discussion to a thoughtful conclusion,” said VFBF President Wayne F. Pryor. “He always considers how any issue affects our members and the county Farm Bureaus.”
Jenkins has chaired the VFBF Flue-Cured Tobacco Advisory Committee and served on the VFBF Soybean & Feed Grains Advisory Committee. He also is a past president of Lunenburg County Farm Bureau.
In addition to his Farm Bureau involvement, Jenkins is a former member of Virginia’s Tobacco Indemnification and Community Revitalization Commission.
Before he began farming in 1963, Jenkins worked as a Virginia Cooperative Extension agent in Gloucester County and as a teacher in Brunswick and Nottoway counties. He also served as a supervisor of tobacco production in Venezuela for British American Tobacco Co.
With more than 135,000 members in 88 county Farm Bureaus, VFBF is Virginia’s largest farmers’ advocacy group. Farm Bureau is a non-governmental, nonpartisan, voluntary organization committed to supporting Virginia’s agriculture industry. View more convention news as it becomes available at vafb.com/convention, and follow us on social media via #VFBF24 #CultivatingConnections.
Contact Pam Wiley, vice president of communications, at 804-291-6315.