Holiday Lights Safety
Keep the Sparkle, Avoid the Sparks with Safe Holiday Lights. Add a festive touch to your home inside and out with holiday lights! But before you start decorating for the holidays, read up on holiday lights safety.
Safety Rating
Bargain decorations aren't a good deal if they pose a fire hazard. Look for strings of lights that are clearly marked with a UL-Rating for safety.
Equipment Check
As you put up your holiday decorations check the cords and bulbs carefully to make sure they are not damaged. Hanging lights with damaged cords can lead to an electrical short. This can damage your holiday decorations and lead to a fire.
Indoor vs. Outdoor
Don’t use outdoor lights indoors. They’re too hot for interior use. LED lights are cooler and energy efficiency. Be sure that outdoor strings of lights are UL-Rated for exterior use and weather resistance. The same goes for any extension cords used outdoors.
Don't Start A Fire
Avoid hanging holiday lights near items that pose fire hazards. Potentially hazardous items include candles, space heaters, fireplaces, paper decorations or wrapping paper.
Hang with Care
Never use tacks, staples, or nails to hang up your holiday light display. They can cut through the wire insulation and create a fire hazard. Instead, use insulated holders designed especially for this purpose.
Using Extension Chords
Make sure not to overload extension cords with more wattage than they’re designed to accommodate. Only use extension cords designed and rated for exterior use outdoors.
Turning Lights Off
Don't leave holiday lights on when you're away or when everyone is asleep. It might look lovely but it isn't worth the risk.
Ditch Burned-Out Bulbs
It's dangerous to have light strings plugged in with empty sockets. Be sure that the replacement bulbs you select are the correct wattage.
Stay safe this holiday season.