Got a teen driver? Smart Start Program can help save money

Got a teen driver? Smart Start Program can help save money

Help your teenage driver get off to a road-smart start—and save money, too—by enrolling in Virginia Farm Bureau’s Smart Start Program.

The Smart Start Program can save customers money on auto insurance premiums, just by having a safety-minded teen driver in the household who is enrolled in the program. Sign-up is easy, and the program can be completed online.

Teens may enroll starting at age 16, but to qualify they must be enrolled before age 18 and be accident- and conviction-free. The discount will be applied up to age 25, as long as enrolled drivers continue to meet the requirements. 

To enroll, teen drivers must complete the following three steps online:

  • Watch the Smart Start video;
  • review the Smart Start Program booklet, and keep it for reference; and
  • take a 12-question quiz after watching the video and reviewing the booklet.

To maintain the discount, the enrolled teen driver must:

  • maintain a valid Virginia driver’s license;
  • stay listed on a Virginia Farm Bureau personal auto policy; and
  • maintain an accident- and conviction-free driving record.

For more information or to enroll in the program, visit



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