Founding fathers, founding farmers

In a few days, we’ll celebrate the 240th anniversary of the stand our founding fathers took with the Declaration of Independence.

Some of those founding fathers were also founding farmers who, along with the founding mothers, had a tangible stake in the fight for independence. They were already committed to raising products that would make the United States self-sufficient at home and a desirable trading partner abroad.

Theirs was a new nation rich in raw materials, potential and passion. And their legacy is not lost on American farmers today.

Imagine if all the foods your family enjoys each summer—fresh tomatoes, juicy peaches and watermelon, ballpark peanuts, and steaks and burgers on the grill—were available only from foreign countries. What if all wood for construction and cotton for textiles had to be imported?

Access to safe, fresh foods and other quality farm products is that important. And Virginia’s farmers are showing that “Spirit of ‘76” every time they walk out the door and go to work.

We salute them for it. And we salute you, a valued Farm Bureau member, for your commitment to Virginia and U.S. agriculture and to preserving the quality of life in the commonwealth.

Happy Fourth!




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